Reconditioning programs are specifically tailored to restore an individuals cardiovascular, proprioceptive, muscular endurance, strength, flexibility and confidence. The main objective of a reconditioning program is to get an individual back into the work force safely by restoring ones physical capacity and functioning. The goal of Fort Whyte Physiotherapy is to conduct a thorough assessment with objective and functional testing and from that formulate a safe and successful program with a focus on an individuals injury and work demands.
How Reconditioning programs differ from a regular physiotherapy session:
- Program is designed to stimulate work environment by meeting the physical demands of the work place
- Set schedule is made from anywhere from 3-5 days per week for and anywhere from 3 weeks - 3 + months depending on the extent of ones rehabilitation.
- Program is designed and supervised by a physiotherapist. We have exercise space and an assortment of equipment to accommodate any work reconditioning program!